General Principles and Process of Isolation
NEET Questions

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General Principles and Processes of Isolation NEET Practice Questions

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List the method used for extracting sodium from halide ores like sodium chloride (NaCl).

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Out of the given options, which of the following ore is used to extract silver?

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By electromagnetic separation, where are magnetic particles collected in concentration?

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By electromagnetic separation, where are magnetic particles collected in concentration?

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The name of the metallurgical process in which the ore is leached and the metal is extracted using electrolysis:

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The method of zone refining of metals is based on the principle of

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In froth flotation, what role does the revolving paddle play?

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Which of the following metals are not removed by Electrolysis?

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Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by

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Cassiterite is the ore of which metal?

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Cassiterite is an ore of

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The ore particles float in the Froth floatation process for beneficiation of the ores because

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Which of the following is not a suitable ore for extracting iron?

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The purest form of iron is:

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During the process of electrolytic refining of copper, some metals present as impurity settle as ‘anode mud’. These are:

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In the equation,

4M + 8CN + H2O + O2 → 4[M(CN)2] + 4OH, the metal M is

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Roasting of sulfides gives the gas X as a byproduct. This is a colorless gas with a choking smell of burnt sulfur and causes great damage to respiratory organs as a result of acid rain. Its aqueous solution is acidic, acts as a reducing agent and its acid has never been isolated. The gas X is

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Sulphide ores of metals are usually concentrated by froth floatation process. Which one of the following sulphide ores offer an exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching?

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Which of the following is an illustration of metallurgical electrochemical principles?

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Electrolytic reduction of Al2O3 to Al by the Hall-Herault process is carried out

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In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is finally obtained by the reduction of cuprous oxide with

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The method of zone refining of metals is based upon the principle of

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Oxides are formed when food is roasted. What is the necessity to roast oxide ores?

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Which one is malachite from the following?

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In the extraction of copper from sulphide ore, the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O with

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Why during the leaching of Ag2S with NaCN, a stream of air is also passed?

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In the electrolytic method of obtaining aluminum from purified bauxite, cryolite is added to the charge in order to:

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Which of the cases is best for hand-picking concentration?

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Considering the Ellingham diagram, which of the following metals can be used to reduce alumina?

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Identify the incorrect statement

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An additional substance is added which combines with impurities to form a fusible mass during the process of smelting. The additional substance is called

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Heating ore with carbon in the absence of air is known as:

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In electrorefining of copper some gold is produced as:

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Which one of the following is a mineral of iron?


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