Environmental Chemistry NEET Questions

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Environmental Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

1 / 68

Green chemistry means such reactions which

2 / 68

Which of the following is responsible for the Greenhouse effect?

3 / 68

The Diameter of the solid dust particles is

4 / 68

DDT is

5 / 68

Taj Mahal is threatened by pollutants from

6 / 68

Which of the following is/are gaseous pollutants?

7 / 68

Which of the following is not correct about carbon monoxide?

8 / 68

Which one of the following statements about ozone and the ozone layer is true?

9 / 68

Which one of the following is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer in the upper strata of the atmosphere?

10 / 68

In Antarctica, ozone depletion is due to the formation of the following compound

11 / 68

Which of the following industry produces the waste of animal protein?

12 / 68

The percentage of the total amount of CO present in the atmosphere, due to forest fires is

13 / 68

Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is not a common air polutant ?

14 / 68

Which of the following industry produces the waste of phenolic compounds and suspended solids?

15 / 68

Which one is not a Greenhouse Gas?

16 / 68

Which one of the following is not a common component of photochemical smog?

17 / 68

Which of the following chemist associate with the Greenhouse Gas effect?

18 / 68

The prescribed upper limit concentration of lead in drinking water is about

19 / 68

COD stands for

20 / 68

London Smog is built-up of

21 / 68

The main components of acid rain in the atmosphere are

22 / 68

The region closest to the earth's surface is

23 / 68

The brown haze of photochemical Smog is largely attributable to

24 / 68

Which of the following techniques is/are used to control water pollution?

25 / 68

Which one of the following statements is not true?

26 / 68

Spraying of DDT on crops causes pollution of


27 / 68

The Greenhouse effect is caused by

28 / 68

The basic component of Smog is

29 / 68

Which of the following will be affected by Smog?

30 / 68

Depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere may cause

31 / 68

Which of the following industries will be the best source of producing CO in the atmosphere?

32 / 68

Depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere may cause

33 / 68

The pollutants like SOx, CO, and NOx caused the damage:

34 / 68

The homosphere constituents how much percent of the total atmosphere


35 / 68

What is the range of pH of acid rain?

36 / 68

Which of the following component causes water pollution?


37 / 68

Which of the following is responsible for photochemical Smog?

38 / 68

Which one of the following statements is not true?

39 / 68

Which order for greenhouse gases is truly based on GWP?

40 / 68

Which of the following size of particulate will cause diseases related to lungs?

41 / 68

Which of the following is a sink for CO?

42 / 68

Acid rain is due to the increase in the concentration of which of the following in the atmosphere?

43 / 68

Which of the following disease increase due to the Greenhouse Gases effect?

44 / 68

The source of calcofluor carbons pollution is

45 / 68

Which of the following is a solid pollutant

46 / 68

Which of the following metal will pollute water?

47 / 68

Which of the following is used in aerosols?

48 / 68

Depletion of the ozone layer causes?

49 / 68

One free radial of chlorine can destroy molecules of ozone

50 / 68

Which of the following ion is encouraging for the formation of algae in water?

51 / 68

Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are important pollutants of

52 / 68

Among the following, the one that is not greenhouse gas is

53 / 68

Smog is essentially caused by the presence of

54 / 68

Classical Smog Occurs in

55 / 68

In the coming years, skin-related disorders will be more common due to

56 / 68

Which of the following pollutants are present in troposphere?

57 / 68

Which oxide of nitrogen is not a common pollutant introduced into the atmosphere both due to natural and human activity?

58 / 68

Which of the following industries will be the best source of producing CO in the atmosphere?

59 / 68

Regular use of which of the following fertilizers increases the acidity of soil?

60 / 68

Which of the following statements regarding photochemical smog is incorrect?

61 / 68

A substance that may alter environmental constituents or cause pollution is called

62 / 68

The major cause of air pollution in big cities is

63 / 68

A substance that may alter environmental constituents or cause pollution is called

64 / 68

Most dangerous metal pollutant of automobile exhaust is

65 / 68

Which of the following statement is incorrect?

66 / 68

Which of the following pollutant cannot be degraded by the natural process?

67 / 68

Ozone in the stratosphere is depleted by

68 / 68

Which of the following bacteria are responsible for Gastrointestinal Disease?

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