Chemistry in Everyday
Life NEET Question

Created by chemistryacademy

Chemistry in Everyday Life NEET Practice Questions

1 / 18

A mixture of chloroxylenol and terminal acts as

2 / 18

Aspirin is an acetylation product of

3 / 18

Dettol is a mixture of

4 / 18

Which one of the following statements is not true?

5 / 18

Chloramphenicol is an

6 / 18

Which of the following can possibly be used as analgesic without causing addiction and mood modification?

7 / 18

Diazo coupling is useful for preparing some

8 / 18

Which one of the following is employed as a tranquilizer drug?

9 / 18

Which one of the following is employed as a tranquilizer?

10 / 18

Chloropicrin is obtained by the reaction of

11 / 18

Bithional is generally added to the soaps as an additive to function as a/an

12 / 18

The artificial sweetener is stable at cooking temperature and does not provide calories is

13 / 18

Among the following, the narrow-spectrum antibiotic is

14 / 18

Which of the following is an analgesic?

15 / 18

Which of the following is a cationic detergent?

16 / 18

Which one of the following is employed as Antihistamine?

17 / 18

Antiseptics and disinfectants either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms. Identify which of the following statements is not true.

18 / 18

Which of the following forms cationic micelles above a certain concentration?

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