Aldehyde Ketone and Carboxylic Acid NEET Questions

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Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids NEET Practice Questions

1 / 29

Which of the following is oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compound?

2 / 29

Oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde by the use of chromyl chloride is called

3 / 29

Which compound does not give cannizzaro’s reaction?

4 / 29

Dimerisation is carboxylic acids is due to

5 / 29

Cyanohydrin of which of the following will yield lactic acid?

6 / 29

In a reaction involving ring substitution of C6H5Y, the major product is meta isomer. The group Y can be

7 / 29

The addition of HCN to carbonyl compounds is an example of

8 / 29

Which of the following will not give iodoform test?


9 / 29

The product formed by the reaction of chlorine with benzaldehyde in the absence of catalyst is

10 / 29

When aliphatic aldehyde heat with Fehling solution product formed is

11 / 29

Concentrated sodium hydroxide and benzaldehyde react to produce

12 / 29

Schiff’s solution B is obtained when

13 / 29

When ethanal is heated with Fehling’s solution it gives a precipitate of


14 / 29

Which will not give formaldehyde on heating or upon distillation?

15 / 29

Formaldehyde + NH3 --------- >Y. The product Y is

16 / 29

Which of the following reagents is used to distinguish acetone and acetophenone?

17 / 29

Which of the following reacts with both acetaldehyde and acetone?





18 / 29

Rearrangement of an oxime to an amide in presence of strong acid is called

19 / 29

Which of the following gives aldol condensation reaction?

20 / 29

Carbonyl compounds undergo nucleophillic addition because of

21 / 29

Which of the following reacts with both acetaldehyde and acetone?





22 / 29

In which reaction aromatic aldehyde is treated with acid anhydride in presence of corresponding salt of the acid to give unsaturated acid?

23 / 29

Which aldehyde will give Cannizzaro’s reaction?

24 / 29

Aldehydes and ketones are distinguished by using

25 / 29

Acetaldehyde cannot exhibit

26 / 29

Clemmensen reduction is carried with

27 / 29

Reduction of >C = O to >CH2 can be carried out with

28 / 29

Carboxylic acids are more acidic than phenol and alcohol because of

29 / 29

Ketones (R1COR2); R1=R2= alkyl group, can be obtained in one step by

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