Chemistry Quiz 2

Created by chemistryacademy


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1 / 24

Gobar gas is mixture of

A:  CH4  CO2 and H2       B:  C2H6  CO2 and H2         C:   C2H4  CO and H2      D:  CH4  CO and  H2

2 / 24

The number of isomers for C2H6O is 

3 / 24

The compound with a functional group -COOH is called

4 / 24

Maltose is 

5 / 24

A preservative for biological specimen is

6 / 24

The catalyst used in the conversion of white phosphorous to red phosphorous 

7 / 24

The properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic weights, This statement was given by

8 / 24

Atomic number denotes

9 / 24

All acids essentially contain this element

10 / 24

Calciferol is 

11 / 24

Which acid does not contain -COOH group ?

12 / 24

Which of the following electronic configuration is the stablest ?

13 / 24

Which metal does not form amalgam ?

14 / 24

Which one of the following is NOT a protein ? Wool, DNA, Nail

15 / 24

Lunar caustic is 

A:      NaNO3                         B:      AgNO3                      C:      Ag2SO4                        D:      NaOH                  


16 / 24

Freezing mixture may contain ice and ?

17 / 24

Rolled Gold is generally an alloy made with the below metals and coated with gold.

18 / 24

Which of the below gas is produced by lighting ?

19 / 24

What are Paraffins ?

20 / 24

Which substance is obtained by the Hydrolysis of oil ?

21 / 24

What is NOT an isotope of Hydrogen ?

22 / 24

What is chemical name of Marble ?

23 / 24

The organic compound used for silvering mirrors is 

24 / 24

The foul smell or rancid butter is due to 

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