Amine NEET Questions

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AMINE Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

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The melting point is highest for:

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Treatment of ammonia with excess of ethyl iodide will yield:

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The compound which one reaction with aqueous nitrous acid at low temperature produces an oily nitrosamine is:

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Which amine of the following will not give carbylamine reaction?

5 / 27

Aniline reacts with which of the following to form a Schiff’s base:

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Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is a ………reaction?

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Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is a ………reaction?

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Which of the following reagent can be used to convert benzenediazonium chloride into benzene?

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Which of the following compounds cannot by identified by carbylamine test?

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Which is formed when (CH3)4NOH is heated?

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Aniline reacts with which of the following to form a Schiff’s base:

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Which of the following is most basic in nature?

13 / 27

On heating benzyl amine with chloroform and ethanolic KOH, the product obtained is:

14 / 27

The reagent that reacts with nitromethane to form methyl hydroxylamine is:

15 / 27

Which of the following gives primary amine on reduction?

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The compound that is most reactive towards electrophilic nitration is:

17 / 27

Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is a ………reaction?

18 / 27

If two compounds have the same empirical formula but different molecular formulae they must have:

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Amongst the following, the most basic compound is:

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Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is a ………reaction?

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Which of the following reacts with NaNO2 + HCl at 273–278 K to give alcohol/phenol?

22 / 27

Carbylamine test is performed in alcoholic KOH by heating a mixture of:

23 / 27

Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is a ………reaction?

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The indicator that is obtained by coupling the diazonium salt of sulphanilic acid with N, N-dimethylaniline is:

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Nitrobenzene on electrolytic reduction in strongly acidic medium gives:

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Nitrobenzene can be prepared from benzene by using a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4. In the nitrating mixture, nitric acid acts as a:

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When acetamide is treated with NaOBr, the product formed is:

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