Alcohol Phenol and Ether NEET Questions

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Alcohol Phenol and Ether Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

1 / 36

Which compound is known as oil of winter green?

2 / 36

Which of the following has the lowest solubility in water?

3 / 36

Which one of the following compounds will be most readily attacked by an electrophile?

4 / 36

An ethyl, alcohol exhibits an acidic character on reaction with:


5 / 36

The compound which reacts fastest with Lucas reagent at room temperature is:

6 / 36

Which of the following does not give iodoform test?

7 / 36

HCHO reacts with CH3MgI to give

8 / 36

Epichlorohydrin is:

9 / 36

The ether that undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction is:

10 / 36

The only alcohol that can be prepared by the indirect hydration of an alkene is:

11 / 36

Number of metamers represented by the molecular formula C4H10O is

12 / 36

Order of esterification of alcohols is

13 / 36

Aspirin is an acetylation product of:

14 / 36

When the vapours of ethyl alcohol are passed over red hot copper (300oC), the product formed is

15 / 36

Chemical name of salol is:

16 / 36

The compound which gives the most stable carbonium ion on dehydration is:

17 / 36

Organic acid without a carboxylic acid group is:

18 / 36

An ether which is liquid at room temperature is:

19 / 36

Carbolic acid is:


20 / 36

Order of esterification of alcohols is

21 / 36

Victor Meyer test is not given by:

22 / 36

Diethyl ether is heated with one mole of HI, the products formed are:

23 / 36

Which of the following has the maximum extent of hydrogen bonding?

24 / 36

Which of the following is the most soluble in water?

25 / 36

Alcohol manufactured from water gas is:

26 / 36

Which of the following has the lowest solubility in water?

27 / 36

Phenol is heated with phthallic anhydride in presence of conc entrated H2SO4. The product gives a pink colour on reacting with an alkali. The product is:

28 / 36

When an ether is exposed to air for some time, an explosive substance is produced which is:

29 / 36

Osmium tetroxide is a reagent used for

30 / 36

The most appropriate reagent to convert --------- > RCOOEt + RCH2OH is

31 / 36

Diethyl ether is prepared by passing vapours of ethyl alcohol over a heated catalyst under high temperature and pressure. The catalyst is:

32 / 36

Which of the following compounds is resistant to nucleophilic attack by hydroxyl ions?

33 / 36

Glycerol on heating with oxalic acid at 110oC gives

34 / 36

The ether that undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction is:

35 / 36

Which of the following is most acidic?

36 / 36

Phenol is less acidic than

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