Haloalkane and Haloarene
NEET Questions

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Haloalkane and Haloarene Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

1 / 55

Which of the following are arranged in the decreasing order of dipole moment?

2 / 55

Of the following compounds, the one with the lowest boiling point is

3 / 55

The C–X bond is strongest in

4 / 55

On warming with silver powder, chloroform is converted into

5 / 55

Which of the following compounds, the one with the lowest boiling point is


6 / 55

Which of the alkyl halides on conversion into the Grignard reagent followed by treatment with water, will yield n-pentane?

7 / 55

The compound formed on heating chlorobenzene with chloral in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid is

8 / 55

The number of dibromo derivatives of propane are

9 / 55

Which of the following will react with water?

10 / 55

Which of the following reacts with chloroform and base to form phenyl isocyanide?

11 / 55

Which one gives carbylamine reaction?

12 / 55

Which among MeX, RCH2X, R2CHX, R3CX is most reactive towards SN2 reaction?

13 / 55

The compound formed on heating chlorobenzene with chloral in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid is

14 / 55

In the reaction of p-chlorotoluene with KNH2 in liquid NH3, the major product is


15 / 55

1,1-dibromoethane when heated with zinc dust produces

16 / 55

Mg reacts with alkyl bromide best in

17 / 55

Chlorination of toluene in presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives

18 / 55

Which of the alkyl halides on conversion into the Grignard reagent followed by treatment with water, will yield n-pentane?

19 / 55

Which of the following will react with water?

20 / 55

Chlorobenzene on heating with NH3 under pressure in the presence of cuprous chloride gives

21 / 55

The number of dibromo derivatives of propane are

22 / 55

Chlorination of toluene in presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives

23 / 55

Fluorobenzene (C6H5F) can be synthesized in the laboratory

24 / 55

The starting substance for the preparation of iodoform is any one of the following, except

25 / 55

In the reaction of p-chlorotoluene with KNH2 in liquid NH3, the major product is

26 / 55

Correct order of boiling point for the alkyl halide is

27 / 55

Fluorobenzene (C6H5F) can be synthesized in the laboratory

28 / 55

Which one gives carbylamine reaction?

29 / 55

Substitution of chlorine takes place at higher temperatures in

30 / 55

Westron, a good industrial solvent, is

31 / 55

Chlorobenzene on heating with NH3 under pressure in the presence of cuprous chloride gives

32 / 55

Which of the following reacts with chloroform and base to form phenyl isocyanide?

33 / 55

Which of the following alkyl halides is used as a methylating agent?

34 / 55

The starting substance for the preparation of iodoform is any one of the following, except

35 / 55

Cl2 reacts with CS2 in presence of I2 to form

36 / 55

A yellow product is formed when an organic compound C3H8O is warmed with aqueous sodium carbonate and iodine solution. The product formed is

37 / 55

The order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards elimination reaction is

38 / 55

The most reactive halide towards SN1 reaction is

39 / 55

On warming with silver powder, chloroform is converted into


40 / 55

Mg reacts with alkyl bromide best in

41 / 55

Which among MeX, RCH2X, R2CHX, R3CX is most reactive towards SN2 reaction?

42 / 55

A yellow product is formed when an organic compound C3H8O is warmed with aqueous sodium carbonate and iodine solution. The product formed is


43 / 55

The compound formed on heating chlorobenzene with chloral in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid is

44 / 55

The major product in the reaction CH3–CH2–Br+ AgCN-------- >  ? is

45 / 55

The correct order of boiling point for the alkyl halide is

46 / 55

C3H8 + Cl2 ------------->  C3H7Cl + HCl +Light is an example of

47 / 55

Which of the following will have the maximum dipole moment?

48 / 55

The order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards elimination reaction is

49 / 55

Which of the following are arranged in the decreasing order of dipole moment?

50 / 55

The starting substance for the preparation of iodoform is any one of the following, except

51 / 55

The most reactive halide toward SN1 reaction is

52 / 55

Substitution of chlorine takes place at higher temperatures in

53 / 55

Which of the following alkyl halides is used as a methylating agent?

54 / 55

Westron, a good industrial solvent, is

55 / 55

The major product in the reaction CH3–CH2–Br+ AgCN-------- >  ? is

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