Coordination Compounds
NEET Questions

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Coordination Compound Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

1 / 27

Which one of the following complexes is not expected to exhibit isomerism?

2 / 27

The sum of the coordination number and oxidation number of the metal M in the complex [M(en)2(C2O4)]Cl (where en is ethylenediamine) is

3 / 27

Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity?

4 / 27

The name of complex ion, [Fe(CN)6]3– is

5 / 27

The correct increasing order of trans-effect of the following species is

6 / 27

Coordination number of Ni in [Ni(C2O4)3]4– is

7 / 27

The complex, [Pt(py)(NH3)BrCl] will have how many geometrical isomers?

8 / 27

The formula of dichlorobis(urea)copper(II) is

9 / 27

  [Co(NH3)4 (NO2)2]Cl exhibits

10 / 27

The existence of two different coloured complexes with the composition of [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+ is due to

11 / 27

Which complex compound will give four isomers?

12 / 27

Which of the following will give a pair of enantiomorphs?

13 / 27

The hypothetical complex chlorodiaquatriammine cobalt(III) chloride can be represented as

14 / 27

Which of the following will give maximum number of isomers?

15 / 27

An excess of AgNO3 is added to 100 mL of a 0.01 M solution of dichlorotetraaquachromium(III) chloride. The number of moles of AgCl precipitated would be

16 / 27

Cobalt (III) chloride forms several octahedral complexes with ammonia. Which of the following will not give a test for chloride ions with silver nitrate at 25°C?

17 / 27

The number of possible isomers for the complex [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl will be (en = ethylenediamine)

18 / 27

Which one of the following is expected to exhibit optical isomerism? (en = ethylenediamine)

19 / 27

Which of the following statements is true?


20 / 27

The correct IUPAC name for [CrF2(en)2]Cl is

21 / 27

Which of the following ligands is expected to be bidentate?

22 / 27

The formula of dichlorobis(urea)copper(II) is

23 / 27

Which of the following does not show optical isomerism?

24 / 27

The anion of acetylacetone (acac) forms Co(acac)3 chelate with Co3+. The rings of the chelate are

25 / 27

The correct order of the stoichiometries of AgCl formed when AgNO3 in excess is treated with the complexes: CoCl3.6NH3, CoCl3.5NH3, and CoCl3.4NH3 respectively is

26 / 27

Which of the following coordination compounds would exhibit optical isomerism

27 / 27

The coordination number and oxidation state of Cr in K3[Cr(C2O4)3] are respectively

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