The d and f Block Elements
NEET Questions

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The d and f Block Elements Class 12

1 / 40

The correct increasing order of trans-effect of the following species is

2 / 40

Sc (Z = 21) is a transition element, but Zn (Z = 30) is not because

3 / 40

For the four successive transition elements (Cr, Mn, Fe and Co), the stability of +2 oxidation state will be there in which of the following order?

4 / 40

Which one of the elements with the following outer orbital configurations may exhibit the largest number of oxidation states?

5 / 40

Which of the following configuration is correct for iron?

6 / 40

Four successive members of the first-row transition elements are listed below with their atomic numbers. Which one of them is expected to have the highest third ionization enthalpy?

7 / 40

Which of the following processes does not involve the oxidation of iron?

8 / 40

 Identify the alloy containing a non-metal as a constituent in it.

9 / 40

The calculated spin only magnetic moment of Cr2+ ion is

10 / 40

Among the following series of transition metal ions, the one where all metal ions have 3d2 electronic configuration is [At. numbers. Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24, Mn = 25]

11 / 40

Which of the following pairs has the same size?

12 / 40

Which one of the following does not correctly represent the correct order of the property indicated against it?


(b) Ti3+ < V3+ < Cr3+ < Mn3+ : increasing magnetic moment



13 / 40

Which of the following shows a maximum number of oxidation states?

14 / 40

Amongst TiF62–, CoF63–, Cu2Cl2 and NiCl42–, which are the colorless specifics? (Atomic number of Ti =22, Co = 27, Cu = 29, Ni = 28)

15 / 40

Which ion is colorless?

16 / 40

Bell metal is an alloy of

17 / 40

Magnetic moment 2.84 B.M. is given by (At. nos. Ni = 28, Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Co = 27)

18 / 40

The electronic configurations of four elements are given below. Which element does not belong to the same family as others?

19 / 40

Which of the following ions has electronic configuration [Ar] 3d6 (At. nos. Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27, Ni = 28) ?

20 / 40

A transition element X has a configuration [Ar]3d4 in its +3 oxidation state. Its atomic number is

21 / 40

Which of the following statements about the interstitial compounds is incorrect?

22 / 40

Which one of the following characteristics of the transition metals is associated with their catalytic activity?

23 / 40

In which of the following pairs are both the ions colored in aqueous solution? (At. no. : Sc = 21, Ti = 22, Ni = 28, Cu = 29,Co = 27)

24 / 40

Which of the following statements is true?


25 / 40

In which of the following compounds transition metal has zero oxidation state?

26 / 40

The correct order of decreasing second ionization enthalpy of Ti(22), V(23), Cr(24) and Mn(25) is

27 / 40

The basic character of the transition metal monoxides follow the order (Atomic number’s. Ti = 22, V = 23, Cr = 24, Fe = 26)

28 / 40

. Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity?

29 / 40

The sum of coordination number and oxidation number of the metal M in the complex [M(en)2(C2O4)]Cl (where en is ethylenediamine) is

30 / 40

The mercury is the only metal which is liquid at 0°C. This is due to it


31 / 40

Which of the following ions will exhibit color in aqueous solutions?

32 / 40

Which of the following has more unpaired d-electrons?

33 / 40

Identify the incorrect statement.

34 / 40

Four successive members of the first series of transition metals are listed below. For which one of them the standard potential (E°M2+/M) value has a positive sign?

35 / 40

The aqueous solution containing which one of the following ions will be colorless? (Atomic number: Sc = 21, Fe = 26,Ti = 22, Mn = 25)

36 / 40

The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due to

37 / 40

The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds is ascribed mainly to

38 / 40

The electronic configuration of transition elements is exhibited by

39 / 40

The anion of acetylacetone (acac) forms Co(acac)3 chelate with Co3+. The rings of the chelate are

40 / 40

Which one of the following ionic species will impart colour to an aqueous solution?

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