Hydrocarbon Chemistry NEET Questions

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Hydrocarbons Chemistry NEET Practice Questions

1 / 40

In commercial gasoline, the type of hydrocarbons which are more desirable is

2 / 40

Consider the nitration of benzene using mixed conc. H2SO4 and HNO3. If a large amount of KHSO4 is added to the mixture, the rate of nitration will be

3 / 40

Which reagent converts propene to 1-propanol?

4 / 40

Which is the maximum stable?

5 / 40

Reduction of 2-butyne with sodium in liquid ammonia gives predominantly

6 / 40

Geometrical isomers differ in

7 / 40

The alkane that gives only one monochloride product on chlorination with Cl2 in presence of diffused sunlight is

8 / 40

With respect to the conformers of ethane, which of the following statements is true?


9 / 40

The correct statement regarding the comparison of staggered and eclipsed conformations of ethane is

10 / 40

The most stable conformation of n-butane is

11 / 40

2-Bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is

12 / 40

The cylindrical shape of an alkyne is due to

13 / 40

In Friedel-Crafts reaction, toluene can be prepared by

14 / 40

Which of the following has zero dipole moment?

15 / 40

Which of the following organic compounds has the same hybridization as its combustion product (CO2)?


16 / 40

Liquid hydrocarbons can be converted into a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by

17 / 40

The oxidation of benzene by V2O5 in the presence of air produces

18 / 40

Benzene reacts with CH3Cl in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to form

19 / 40

Nitrobenzene can be prepared from benzene by using a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4. In the mixture, nitric acid acts as an

20 / 40

The restricted rotation of carbon double bond in 2-butene is due to

21 / 40

Dihedral angle in the staggered form of ethane is

22 / 40

Which of the following can be used as the halide component for Friedel–Crafts reaction?

23 / 40

Reactivity of hydrogen atoms attached to different carbon atoms in alkanes has the order

24 / 40

2-Butene shows geometrical isomerism due to

25 / 40

In preparation of alkene from alcohol using Al2O3 which is the effective factor?

26 / 40

One of the following which does not observe the anti-Markownikoff’s addition of HBr, is

27 / 40

Reaction of HBr with propene in the presence of peroxide gives

28 / 40

A compound is treated with NaNH2 to give sodium salt. Identify the compound.

29 / 40

Which of the compound with molecular formula C5H10 yields acetone on ozonolysis?

30 / 40

Which of the following reagents will be able to distinguish between 1-butyne and 2-butyne?

31 / 40

The shortest C–C bond distance is found in

32 / 40

Acetylenic hydrogens are acidic because

33 / 40

Among the following compounds the one that is most reactive toward electrophilic nitration is

34 / 40

Which of the following compounds will not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction easily?

35 / 40

The compound that will react most readily with gaseous bromine has the formula

36 / 40

When acetylene is passed through dil. H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4, the compound formed is

37 / 40

Which one of these is not compatible with arenes?

38 / 40

Which of the following alkane cannot be made in good yield by the Wurtz reaction?

39 / 40

In Friedel-Crafts alkylation, besides AlCl3 the other reactants are

40 / 40

Which of the following is used as an anti-knocking material?

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