Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

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Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Practice Questions

1 / 95

The mercury is the only metal which is liquid at 0°C. This is due to it


2 / 95

The equivalent weight of an acid is equal to:

3 / 95

What is the molarity of H2SO4 solution that has a density 1.84 g/cc at 35°C and contains 98% H2SO4 by weight?

4 / 95

One mole of a substance present in 1 kg of solvent. The correct statement regarding above solution is:

5 / 95

What volume of hydrogen gas at 273 K and 1 atm pressure will be consumed in obtaining 21.6 g of Elemental boron (atomic mass = 10.8) from the reduction of boron trichloride by hydrogen?


6 / 95

One mole of CH4 contains:

7 / 95

Express 145.6 L of chlorine in terms of gram moles

8 / 95

Find the number of atoms present in 0.016 g of methane.

9 / 95

The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due to

10 / 95

The molarity of pure water is:

11 / 95

The vapor density of a mixture having NO2 and N2O4 is 27.6. The mole fraction NO2 in the mixture is:

12 / 95

Which has maximum number of oxygen atoms?

13 / 95

The volume of 1.0 g of hydrogen in litres at NTP is:

14 / 95

The weight of one molecule of a compound C60H122 is:

15 / 95

A compound possesses 8% sulfur by mass. The least molecular mass is:

16 / 95

6.02 × 1020 molecules of urea are present in 100 mL of its solution. The concentration of urea solution is:

17 / 95

One mole of CH4 contains:

18 / 95

When 18 g of glucose is dissolved in 180 g of water then the mole fraction of glucose is:

19 / 95

2 g of O2 at NTP occupies the volume:

20 / 95

Which of the following statement is correct?

21 / 95

How many grams of phosphoric acid is required to complete neutralize 120 g of sodium hydroxide?

22 / 95

The molar concentration of 20 g of NaOH present in 5 litre of solution is:

23 / 95

Among the following pairs of compounds, the one that illustrates the law of multiple proportions is:

24 / 95

120 g of urea is present in 5 litre of solution. The active mass of urea is:


25 / 95

Which of the following pairs of gases contains equal number of molecules?

26 / 95

Density of a 2.05 M solution of acetic acid in water is 1.02 g/mL. The molality of the solution is:

27 / 95

The number of oxygen atoms in 6.4 g of SO2 is:

28 / 95

The number of significant figures in 306.45 and 40440 are respectively:

29 / 95

The incorrect statement for 14 g of CO is:

30 / 95

50 g of calcium carbonate completely burned in air. What is the weight (in grams) of the residue?

31 / 95

The reaction,

2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq)----------------> 2Al3+ +6Cl-  + 3H2 (g)

32 / 95

The weight of a single atom of oxygen is:

33 / 95

0.25 mol of P4 molecules contains_______atoms.

34 / 95

The pollution of SO2 in air is 10 ppm by volume. The volume of SO2 per litre of air is:

35 / 95

The amount of NH3 formed by the combustion of 2 L of N2 and 2 L of H2 is:

36 / 95

The correct relationship between molecular mass and vapor density is:

37 / 95

What is the Mass of 0.5 moles of O3 molecules?

38 / 95

The specific heat of metal is 0.16. Its atomic weight is:

39 / 95

Volume of a gas at NTP is 1.12 × 10-7 cc. The number of molecules in it is:

40 / 95

Which among the following is the heaviest?

41 / 95

7.5 g of a gas occupies 5.6 liters as STP. The gas is:

42 / 95

A boy drinks 500 mL of 9% glucose solution. The number of glucose molecules he has consumed are [mol. wt. of glucose = 180].

43 / 95

1000 g calcium carbonate solution contains 10 g carbonate. The concentration of the solution is:

44 / 95

The oxide of an element contains 67.67% of oxygen and the vapour density of its volatile chloride is 79. Equivalent weight of the element is:

45 / 95

The number of moles of oxygen in one litre of air containing 21% oxygen by volume, in standard conditions, is:

46 / 95

The amount of zinc required to produce 224 mL of H2 at STP on treatment with dilute H2SO4 will be (Zn = 65):

47 / 95

Area of nuclear cross section is measured in ‘Barn’. It is equal to:

48 / 95

The quantity of PV/ KBT represents the:

49 / 95

15 liter atmosphere is equal to:

50 / 95

Number of moles of a solute per kilogram of a solvent are called:

51 / 95

How many grams of CH3OH would have to be added to water to prepare 150 mL of a solution that is 2.0 M CH3OH?

52 / 95

Which of the following is the odd one with regard to mass?

53 / 95

The amount of O2 formed at N.T.P by the complete combustion of 1 kg coal is:

54 / 95

The molarity of pure water is:

55 / 95

The volume in litres of CO2 liberated at STP, when log of 90% pure limestone is heated completely is:

56 / 95

The molarity of pure water is:

57 / 95

4 g caustic soda is dissolved in 100 cc of solution. The normality of solution is:

58 / 95

How many moles of acidified FeSO4 can be completely oxidized by one mole of KMnO4?

59 / 95

To neutralize completely 20 ml of a 0.1 M aqueous solution of phosphorus acid, the volume of 0.1 M aqueous KOH solution required is:

60 / 95

Number of atoms in 560 g of Fe (atomic mass 56 gmol-1) is:

61 / 95

The samples of NaCl are produced when Na combines separately with two isotopes of chlorine Cl35 and Cl37. Which law is illustrated?

62 / 95

If equal moles of water and urea are taken in a vessel what will be the mass percentage of urea in the solution?

63 / 95

Normality of 0.04 M H2SO4 is:

64 / 95

From the complete decomposition of 20 g CaCO3 at STP the volume of CO2 obtained is:

65 / 95

A gaseous mixture contains O2 and N2 in the ratio 1:4 by weight. Then the ratio of their number of molecules in the mixture is:

66 / 95

0.30 g of a volatile liquid displaces 90.0 cm3 of air at STP in the Victor Meyer’s method. The molecular mass of the liquid is:

67 / 95

The normality of orthophosphoric acid having a purity of 70% be weight and specific gravity 1.54 is:

68 / 95

2 g of O2 at NTP occupies the volume:

69 / 95

Maximum number of molecules will be in:

70 / 95

A breakfast cereal in advertising to contain 110 mg of sodium per 100 g of the cereal. The percent of sodium in the cereal is:

71 / 95

The number of e present in 3.6 ml drop of water with a density of 1 g/ml as?

72 / 95

The number of grams of a dibasic acid (molecular weight 200) present is 100 mL of its aqueous solution to give decinormal strength is:

73 / 95

If we consider that 1/6, in place of 1/12, mass of a carbon atom is taken to be the relative atomic mass unit, the mass of one mole of a substance will:

74 / 95

The number of molecules in 4.25 g of ammonia is:

75 / 95

If we consider that 1/6, in place of 1/12, mass of a carbon atom is taken to be the relative atomic mass unit, the mass of one mole of a substance will:

76 / 95

The maximum number of molecules is present in:

77 / 95

What is the correct micro, nano, femto, and pico order here?

78 / 95

25 mL of a solution of barium hydroxide titration with a 0.1 molar solution of hydrochloric acid gave a litre value of 35 mL. The molarity of barium hydroxide solution was:

79 / 95

The equivalent weight of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in the reaction: NaOH + H3PO4 ----------- > NaH2PO4 + H2O is

80 / 95

The vapour density of ozone is:

81 / 95

The hydrated salt Na2CO3 nH2O undergoes 63% loss in mass on heating and becomes anhydrous. The value of n is:

82 / 95

How many moles of potassium chlorate should be decomposed completely to obtain 67.2 liters of oxygen at STP?

83 / 95

How many grams of KCl must be added to 75 g of water to produce a solution with a molality of 2.25?

84 / 95

The number of moles of KCl in 1000 mL of 3 molar solution is:

85 / 95

At STP the density of a gas (mol. wt. = 45) in g/L is:

86 / 95

The normality of H2SO4 having 50 milliequivalent in 2 L solution is:

87 / 95

Number of atoms in 4.25 g of NH3 is approximately:

88 / 95

800 g of a 40% solution by weight was cooled. 100 g of solute precipitated. The percentage composition of remaining solution is:

89 / 95

2.76 g of silver carbonate (At. mass of Ag = 108) on being heated strongly yields a reduce weight:

90 / 95

A mole of any substance is related to:

91 / 95

Mixture X = 0.02 mol of [Co(NH3)5SO4]Br and [Co(NH3) 5Br]SO4 was prepared in 2 litre of solution. 1 litre of mixture X + excess AgNO3 Y 1 litre of mixture X + excess BaCl2 Z Number of moles of Y and Z are:

92 / 95

Normality of 0.3 M H3PO4 solution is:

93 / 95

5 g of CH3COOH is dissolved in one litre of ethanol. Suppose there is no reaction between them. If the density of ethanol is 0.789 g/mL then the molality of resulting solution is:

94 / 95

The value of 1 amu is equal to:

95 / 95

The weight of 1 × 1022 molecules of CuSO4.2H2O is:

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